Unde se descarca cele mai multe aplicatii Android

Joi, 17 Noiembrie 2011, ora 11:20
1877 citiri
Unde se descarca cele mai multe aplicatii Android

Aplicatiile Android sunt cele mai populare pe pietele americane si sud coreene. Peste 3,49 miliarde de descarcari au avut loc din luna septembrie si pana acum, iar 50% dintre acestea au venit din SUA.

Conform unui studiu realizat de research2guidance, chiar daca piata din Statele Unite conduce in topul dowload-urilor, si alte zone isi fac cunoscuta prezenta. Coreea de SUD este cea de-a doua cea mai mare piata de desfacere in ceea ce priveste aplicatiile mobile, avand o cota de piata de 9%, cu peste 600 milioane downloaduri.

Conform co-fondatorului research2guidance, Markus Pohl, locul ocupat de Coreea se datoreaza infrastructurii IT, care este raspandita, are o viteza mare de trafic si este relativ ieftina.

Coreea de Sud e urmata de Marea Britanie, Germania, Franta si Japonia, fiecare cu aproximativ 20 milioane de download-uri pe luna.

Obviously, higher average downloads per user show the market's rate of absorption and growth potential, as higher numbers can indicate the society's openness towards new apps and the fact that total app downloads in these countries could increase with less marketing efforts compared to countries with less active users, Pohl said.

On the other hand, Russia and China have very low Android smartphone penetration rates and very low app downloads per user. Granted, while a much lower rate of downloads per user might show that these markets aren't yet ready for Android apps to really take off, the relatively young target market and their population size could have significant impact on app market development in these countries, and Pohl sees them becoming huge Android adopters in the near future.

As to apps in the Android market seen as a whole, over the past few months, the report finds, the number of apps has grown "faster than ever". Every week publishers are releasing 11,000 new apps to the market, compared to an average of 7,500 during the summer. At the end of October, for example, the number of total apps was 365,404 - a growth of over 40K total apps since Robin wrote about the market less than a month ago.

Of the total apps, the share of paid apps dropped to 32.4 percent, as "publishers are increasingly aware that Android users are unwilling to pay for downloads", which is, in turn, catalyzing the adoption of in-app billing and advertising. Furthermore, in
 an average of $3.06
 apps, and prices ranged from $0.99 to $14.87.

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#aplicatii Android, #aplicatii telefoane mobile, #top tari aplicatii Android , #Produse